
Station Clock


This is an ‘old fashioned’ station clock.

You can add the station clock to a column with:

columns[1]['blocks'] = ['stationclock'];

Block parameter

Parameter Description
Size of the stationclock in pixels. The default size of the station clock is the column width.
200 The clock will have a width and height of 200 pixels
Scale factor for the width of the clock. Should be smaller than 1
0.75: Scales the clock down to 75% (default 1 = 100%).
body clock body (Uhrgehäuse)
dial stroke dial (Zifferblatt)
hourhand clock hour hand (Stundenzeiger)
minutehand clock minute hand (Minutenzeiger)
secondhand clock second hand (Sekundenzeiger)
boss clock boss (Zeigerabdeckung)
minutehandbehavior minute hand behavior
secondhandbehavior second hand behavior

The value for all the configuration parameters can be found in the code block below:

// clock body (Uhrgehäuse)
StationClock.NoBody         = 0;
StationClock.SmallWhiteBody = 1;
StationClock.RoundBody      = 2;
StationClock.RoundGreenBody = 3;
StationClock.SquareBody     = 4;
StationClock.ViennaBody     = 5;

// stroke dial (Zifferblatt)
StationClock.NoDial               = 0;
StationClock.GermanHourStrokeDial = 1;
StationClock.GermanStrokeDial     = 2;
StationClock.AustriaStrokeDial    = 3;
StationClock.SwissStrokeDial      = 4;
StationClock.ViennaStrokeDial     = 5;

//clock hour hand (Stundenzeiger)
StationClock.PointedHourHand = 1;
StationClock.BarHourHand     = 2;
StationClock.SwissHourHand   = 3;
StationClock.ViennaHourHand  = 4;

//clock minute hand (Minutenzeiger)
StationClock.PointedMinuteHand = 1;
StationClock.BarMinuteHand     = 2;
StationClock.SwissMinuteHand   = 3;
StationClock.ViennaMinuteHand  = 4;

//clock second hand (Sekundenzeiger)
StationClock.NoSecondHand            = 0;
StationClock.BarSecondHand           = 1;
StationClock.HoleShapedSecondHand    = 2;
StationClock.NewHoleShapedSecondHand = 3;
StationClock.SwissSecondHand         = 4;

// clock boss (Zeigerabdeckung)
StationClock.NoBoss     = 0;
StationClock.BlackBoss  = 1;
StationClock.RedBoss    = 2;
StationClock.ViennaBoss = 3;

// minute hand behavoir
StationClock.CreepingMinuteHand        = 0;
StationClock.BouncingMinuteHand        = 1;
StationClock.ElasticBouncingMinuteHand = 2;

// second hand behavoir
StationClock.CreepingSecondHand        = 0;
StationClock.BouncingSecondHand        = 1;
StationClock.ElasticBouncingSecondHand = 2;
StationClock.OverhastySecondHand       = 3;

Config settings

To maintain backwards compatibility the station clock defaults can be set with the following config settings:

Settings Description
shows hands red axis cover
'RedBoss' 'NoBoss' 'BlackBoss' 'RedBoss' 'ViennaBoss'
true Hides second hand
false Default. Show second hand.

Basic clock


This is the standard clock. You can add this clock to a column with:

columns[1]['blocks'] = ['basicclock'];

Or define a custom block as follows:

blocks['myclock'] = {
       type: 'basicclock'

columns[1]['blocks'] = ['myclock'];

Block parameter

Parameter Description
block width
1 .. 12: (default 12).
Size of the basic clock in pixels. The default size of the basic clock is the column width.
200 The clock will have a width of 200 pixels
Scale factor for the width of the clock. Should be smaller than 1
0.75: Scales the clock down to 75% (default 1 = 100%).



You can add the flipclock to a column with:

columns[1]['blocks'] = ['flipclock'];

Or define a custom block as follows:

blocks['myclock'] = {
       type: 'flipclock'

columns[1]['blocks'] = ['myclock'];

Block parameter

Parameter Description
block width
1 .. 12: (default 12).
Size of the flipclock in pixels. The default size of the flip clock is the column width.
200 The clock will have a width of 200 pixels
Scale factor for the width of the clock. Should be smaller than 1
0.75: Scales the clock down to 75% (default 1 = 100%).
true: (=default) Show seconds
false: Hide seconds
24: 24 hour clock
12: 12 hour clock

Hayman clock


Clock by Emily Hayman. Design based off:

You can add the Hayman clock to a column with:

columns[1]['blocks'] = ['haymanclock'];

Or define a custom block as follows:

blocks['myclock'] = {
       type: 'haymanclock'

columns[1]['blocks'] = ['myclock'];

Block parameter

Parameter Description
block width
1 .. 12: (default 12).
Size of the Hayman clock in pixels. The default size of the Hayman clock is the column width.
200 The clock will have a width of 200 pixels
Scale factor for the width of the clock. Should be smaller than 1
0.75: Scales the clock down to 75% (default 1 = 100%).



You can add the miniclock to a column with:

columns[1]['blocks'] = ['miniclock'];


The clock types dtclock, stationclock and flipclock are responsive, meaning they will adapt the size to the block width.

Example code for the several clocks:

blocks['stationclock'] = {
  width: 3,
blocks['stationclock2'] = {
  type: 'stationclock',
  width: 3,
  boss: 'NoBoss',
  body: 4,
  secondhand: 0
blocks['stationclock3'] = {
  type: 'stationclock',
  width: 3,
  body: 0,
  dial: 0,
  secondhand: 1
blocks['stationclock4'] = {
  type: 'stationclock',
  width: 3,
  body: 3,
  dial: 1,
  boss: 'ViennaBoss',
  secondhandbehavior: 2
blocks['stationclock5'] = {
  type: 'stationclock',
  width: 3,
  boss: 'RedBoss' //'RedBoss' 'NoBoss' 'BlackBoss' 'RedBoss' 'ViennaBoss'

blocks['clock'] = {
    width: 4

blocks['flipclock'] = {
    width: 8

blocks['miniclock'] = {
  width: 4

var columns = {};

columns[1] = {};
columns[1]['blocks'] = [