Manual Setup

Manual setup consists of two steps:

  • Preparing your system

  • Installing Dashticz

System preparation

Since Beta 2.4.6 (October 2018) the installation instruction changed. Main reason is that for most functionality PHP support in the web server is needed. The Domoticz web server doesn’t support PHP. That means that Dashticz needs to be installed under a different web server with PHP enabled. The installation instruction consists in two steps:

Installation of a web server

This example shows installation of Apache on Raspberry in it’s most basic configuration: running at port 80. Besides Apache also PHP needs to be installed, since it’s used by the Calendar and Garbage module in Dashticz.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2 php php-xml php-curl libapache2-mod-php php-mbstring
sudo systemctl restart apache2


On some Raspberry configurations the installation of php is failing. In that case you can try the alternative installs under Advanced Installation below

Now check whether Apache is running by browsing to http://<YOUR IP> You should see the Apache demo page.

Alternative installations

For debian/stretch:

Functionality that is lost without PHP:

  • calendar

  • garbage

  • savings settings from Dashticz

  • version check

  • CORS proxy, which is used for TVguide, news, traffic info, frames, images in buttons (You can switch an external CORS proxy as well.)

Quick install for Synology NAS

  • Install Apache HTTP Server (Web Station will be installed too) and PHP

  • In Web Station configure your HTTP back-end server and PHP (PHP Extensions curl and openssl needs to be selected)

  • Download Dashticz ZIP file from GitHub (choose branch)

  • Create Dashticz folder on your Web Server

  • Unpack downloaded Dashticz ZIP file to your Dashticz folder


  • Edit CONFIG.js to your needs and set write permission

Dashticz installed on ISS

Dashticz Installation

Example for Raspberry PI running Apache web server: Assumption:

  • Apache is running at on the default port 80 (but this can be any IP:port address)

  • Domoticz is running at

First clone the dashticz repository to a folder of your choice:

cd /home/pi
git clone

If you prefer the development branch (might be less stable, but latest and greatest), then use the following git clone command:

git clone --branch beta

After the installation is finished, go to the /home/pi/Dashticz/custom/ folder, copy the CONFIG_DEFAULT.js file to CONFIG.js (mind the CAPITALS!), and edit it with the basics:

cd dashticz/custom/
nano CONFIG.js

Example of CONFIG.js:

var config = {}
config['language'] = 'nl_NL'; //or: en_US, de_DE, fr_FR, hu_HU, it_IT, pt_PT, sv_SV
config['domoticz_ip'] = '';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';

You can read more about the connection configurtion Connection.

Then create a symbolic link from the root of the www folder of your web server to the previously created Dashticz location:

sudo ln -s /home/pi/dashticz/ /var/www/html

Set the correct permissions to the files and folders:

chmod -R a+rX /home/pi/dashticz

If you want to be able to save the settings via Dashticz to CONFIG.js then you have to give write permission to CONFIG.js for root:

chmod a+w /home/pi/dashticz/custom/CONFIG.js

Now you can browse to the dashboard: Replace with the IP Address (and Port number) for your web server, NOT your Domoticz IP!

By default, Dashticz will show all your Domoticz favorites on the dashboard.


Option 1 - From terminal you can add the following command in Dashticz folder:

git pull

Option 2 - Download zip file from GitHub, copy and extract in your Dashticz folder. Create backup of your custom folder(s) first.


After updating my Ubuntu version I had to manually enable php7.3 on Apache:

sudo a2enmod php7.3
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Domoticz authorization error

You have to do all the following things:

In CONFIG.js add the Domoticz username and password, like

config['user_name'] = 'admin';
config['pass_word'] = 'domoticz';

In Domoticz->Settings->Security tab:

  • Tick ‘Allow Basic-Auth authentication over plain HTTP’ in Domoticz->Settings->Security->API protection

  • Fill in your local subnet in Trusted Networks

Example of Domoticz settings:
