
All documentation is maintained in docs-folder of the Github source tree.

For generating the documentation Sphinx and is being used.

For more information see:

  • sphinx
  • readthedocs
  • rst: reStructuredText, the markup language we use


For basic modification of the documentation just edit the files in the docs folder, push your changes to github and create a pull request. After merging of the change the documentation will be pulled by and the new version of the documentaion becomes available on


  1. install Sphinx:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python-pip
    sudo apt install python-sphinx
  2. Make changes:

    cd [dashticz_folder]/docs
    nano mydocumentation.rst
  3. Create a local html version:

    cd [dashticz_folder]/docs
    make html
  4. Check whether you are happy with the result by opening the generated html file in the build folder in your browser.

  5. Clean up the build results:

    make clean
  6. Push your changes to Github and create the PR.

Coding styles



Header level 1

Header level 2

Header level 3

These header levels will appear in the table of contents on the left.


Preferred method for defining a parameter table:

.. list-table::
  :header-rows: 1
  :widths: 5, 30
  :class: tight-table

  * - Parameter
    - Description
  * - width
    - ``1..12``: The width of the block relative to the column width
  * - title
    - ``'<string>'``: Custom title for the block

Alternative 1:

.. csv-table::
   :header: Parameter, Description
   :widths: 5, 30
   :class: tight-table

   forcerefresh,"| Control the caching-prevention mechanism of the images for a button.
   | ``0`` : Normal caching behavior (=default)
   | ``1``,  ``true`` : Prevent caching by adding t=<timestamp> parameter to the url. Not all webservers will handle this correctly
   | ``2`` : The image is loaded via php, preventing caching. (php must be enabled on your Dashticz server)"

The previous example will not show a horizontal scroll bar. If you want to have a horizontal scroll bar then remove :class: tight-table

Alternative 2:

============   ===============================
Parameter      Description
============   ===============================
forcerefresh   | Control the caching-prevention mechanism of the images for a button.
               | ``0`` : Normal caching behavior (=default)
               | ``1``, ``true`` : Prevent caching by adding t=<timestamp> parameter to the url. Not all webservers will handle this correctly
               | ``2`` : The image is loaded via php, preventing caching. (php must be enabled on your Dashticz server)
============   ===============================